
International Payments

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Also known as Cross-border, SWIFT or wire transfers. International Payments are ideal for making single, urgent payments to suppliers around the world, via our network of correspondent banks.

What are International Payments?

International payments are used for making transfers to a beneficiary in another country. If the payment involves different currencies, foreign exchange (FX) is required and can involve multiple banks. This type of payment is often referred to as a cross-border payment or wire transfer.

They are made via SWIFT (the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) which is a global platform that enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardised and reliable manner.

Features and benefits:

  • Global Network: Money can be sent internationally via our network of correspondent banks, vital for businesses with global operations and payment requirements.
  • Secure Transactions: Transactions are securely sent between banks/financial institutions via SWIFT reducing the risk of interception or fraud.
  • Traceable Status: Wire transfers are traceable – each has a unique identifier that allows parties to track the transaction status.
  • Flexibility and Control: Choose to pay the total bank charges (OUR), just the HSBC sending bank charges (SHA) or request that the beneficiary pay (BEN) – allowing for greater control over all the transfer costs.
  • Fast Transfers: Main currencies (GBP, EUR, USD) can be transferred on the same day, other currencies will typically offer either the next day or the day after that.
  • Simple FX: Clients can easily make FX payments via our online banking platform HSBCnet with the exchange rate displayed upon initiation

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